SOCS Mission: To promote awareness of and excellence within skin of color dermatology through research, education, mentorship and advocacy. We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in the field of dermatology to advance patient care.
MENTORSHIP: We value mentorship as a leadership development tool to foster a diverse workforce at all levels, developing and empowering future leaders in the field.
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Center for Leadership
We are thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking initiative, the SOCS Center for Leadership (CFL), led by Victoria Barbosa, MD, MPH, MBA, FAAD, during her 2024–2025 SOCS presidency. The Center’s mission is to develop leaders who will drive the dermatology field forward with innovation, inclusivity, and excellence.
The innovative curriculum will include live and on-demand online programming, as well as a more structured cohort experience that blends webinars and online community with an immersive, in-person leadership development program that will be tailored to individual needs, interests and aspirations.
Mentorship Program
The SOCS Mentorship Program is a comprehensive program that connects young physicians and medical students with an approved skin of color expert from SOCS. The Mentorship Program is now open to medical students. Residents can serve as both a mentor (to medical students) AND as a mentee (matched with a practicing dermatologist).
Application Timeline
Application Closed
Observership Grant
The SOCS Observership Grant awards up to $2,000 USD grants to dermatology residents, medical students (2nd-4th year), and junior faculty to enable study with a SOCS mentor identified by the applicant. Grants are intended for travel, room and board as needed to establish and facilitate the mentoring relationship.
Application Timeline
Application Closed
Diversity in Clinical Research Mentoring Program
The Skin of Color Society, in conjunction with the NMA Dermatology Section, is proud to present the Diversity in Clinical Research (DiCR) Mentorship Program. This mentorship program is intended to:
- Develop the skills of the dermatology investigators of tomorrow
- Offer support to the underrepresented minority (URM) investigators
- Propel the career development of mentee
- Provide an experience that mirrors conducting industry-sponsored research
- Acquire the knowledge needed to run a successful and high-quality research program