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21st Annual SOCS Scientific Symposium 

Join us for the 21st Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium on March 6, 2025, in Orlando, Florida. Delve into cutting-edge discussions and advancements in dermatology as we explore crucial topics related to skin of color.

Stay tuned for more details and registration information coming this Fall!

Agenda – March 6, 2025

SOCS & SOCS Foundation Annual General Business Meeting

Stay tuned for more details and registration information coming this Fall!

Our Sponsors

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

View our sponsorship prospectus linked below

Contact: Kimberly Miller, Executive Director at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registration for this event will open December 2024.

Abstract Presentations & iPoster Galleries

iPoster Online Live Sessions: February 27 - March 4, 2025

Selected abstracts will be invited to present at the Scientific Symposium with either an oral abstract presentation or a digital iPoster via iPoster Sessions. Industry partners* will have an opportunity to also create interactive iPoster with various content, including high-resolution images, videos, audio, and more. The Scientific and Industry iPoster Galleries will be available from February 27, 2025, and will remain available for one year after the event.

Participants can engage with the content and leave messages. Authors will have the flexibility to select the iPoster Online Live Session dates and times within the iPoster platform.

Important Information:
  • iPoster Upload: Starts on November 20, 2024, and ends on December 11, 2024
  • iPoster Online Live Sessions: February 27 - March 4, 2025
  • iPosters will be reviewed and rated in December and January, with the top 10 iPosters selected as featured iPosters at the Symposium on March 6th. Notifications will be sent out in February.
  • Please note that abstract changes are not permitted for submitted and accepted abstracts.
  • The platform supports interactive multimedia content, and attendees can engage with you virtually during live session chat hours.
Technical Support:

For tutorials, guides, samples, and additional information, please visit the iPosterSessions Resources page for assistance. If you have any questions, please contact the iPoster Support Desk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with Conference Code: SOCS2025.

*Based on sponsorship level.

View 2024 iPoster Galleries

Call for Abstracts

Accepting Abstracts: August 1 through October 1, 2024

The 21st Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium, held in conjunction with the 2025 AAD Annual Meeting, invites submissions for abstracts. The Symposium will take place on March 6, 2025, in Orlando, FL.

Please review the submission guidelines below before submitting your abstract via AwardForce. Note that submitting your abstract does not register you to attend the Symposium. If selected for an oral or poster presentation, registration for the Symposium is required.

General Information
  • Eligibility: The presenting author must be a SOCS member and available to present the abstract at the Symposium. For abstracts submitted by medical students, residents, and research trainees, the presenting author’s attending, mentor, last author or principal investigator must also be a SOCS member. 
  • Membership: This program is reserved for Skin of Color Society members and pending members with a complete membership application. Non-members should submit a complete membership application by Monday, September 30 to meet eligibility requirements. Apply for membership here.
  • Submission Deadline: Tuesday, October 1, by 12:00 PM CT.
  • Notification: Acceptance and rejection notices will be sent to the submitter in November 2024.
  • Registration: All accepted presenters must register for the 21st Annual Skin of Color Society Scientific Symposium to be included in the program.
Presenting Author Responsibilities 

The first author listed for each abstract will serve as the presenting author and primary contact for all correspondence regarding the abstract.


  • Ensure all authors have read the abstract and agreed to be co-authors.
  • Obtain disclosure information from all authors.
  • Submit the abstract application via AwardForce.
  • Forward all correspondence to all authors.
  • If selected, register for the Scientific Symposium.
Submission Guidelines

The Skin of Color Society encourages the submission of original studies or observations of interest to dermatologists, particularly those focused on skin of color.

Presentation Types:

  • Oral Abstract Presentations: Exclusively available to members in the Resident, Research Trainee, and Medical Student categories.
  • Poster Presentations: Available to members eligible for oral presentations and those in the Fellow, International Fellow, and Associate member categories.

Abstract Requirements:

  • Abstracts must address scientific or clinical questions, detail clinical observations, or contain primary scientific data.
  • Incomplete abstracts or those lacking data will not be considered.
  • Case studies or reports will not be accepted. 

Ineligible Data:

  • Data published by the abstract submission deadline.
  • Data presented at the AAD Annual Meeting in the same calendar year.
  • Encore presentations, including those previously presented at SOCS as a poster or oral presentation.
  • Data submitted by industry.

Clinical Trials:

  • Interim analysis must align with the original protocol and be statistically valid.

  • Follow-up data must present significant new information.


  • All research involving human and animal subjects must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association.

Additional Information:

  • No revisions are allowed after the submission deadline.
Submission Requirements

All submissions must include:

  • Abstract: A clear, concise, and structured abstract of no more than 250 words in English, adhering to sections for Introduction/Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitations, and Conclusions.
  • Title: A title in Title Case.
  • Author Information: Full names of all authors and their institutional affiliations.
  • Membership:
    • The presenting author must be a SOCS member.
    • The presenting author’s attending, mentor, last author or principal investigator (where applicable) must be a SOCS member. 
  • References: Up to five references or citations, formatted according to any major academic citation style.
  • Conflict of Interest: Disclosure of conflicts of interest for all authors
Abstract Withdrawal
  • Withdrawal Requests: Written requests for withdrawal must be submitted by January 10, 2025.
Policy Compliance
  • SOCS reserves the right to withdraw abstracts that violate its policies, including those involving previous publication, scientific unsoundness, or inaccuracies.