Research & Awards
SOCS Mission: To promote awareness of and excellence within skin of color dermatology through research, education, mentorship and advocacy. We are committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in the field of dermatology to advance patient care.
RESEARCH and INNOVATION: We lead research and innovation through our diverse array of advanced research activities, leveraging collaborations with domestic and international corporations and organizations.
Below are all of the research, grants, programs, and fellowship awards SOCS has.
- Sanofi-Regeneron DEI Mid-Career Award
- SOCS Career Development Award
- SOCS Dermatology Research Award
- SOCS Early Career Innovations Award
- Institutional Research Fellowship Grant
- SOCS Grant Writing Webinar
Sanofi-Regeneron Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mid-Career Award
The Skin of Color Society and Dermatology Foundation are pleased to introduce this new Sanofi-Regeneron Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mid-Career Award that will provide a grant of $100,000 in annual support for up to three years. The award is intended to support the work of outstanding investigators with an established trajectory of excellence in basic, clinical, or translational science. The supported research projects are expected to yield novel results that expand the understanding of dermatological issues impacting underrepresented or underserved groups in medicine.
- Applications Available: September 15, 2023; Noon CT
- Application Deadline: December 1, 2023; Noon CT
Application Procedure:
The DF and SOCS are now accepting applications via Dermatology Foundation’s Mid-Career Research Award Portal. The Applicant Instructions provided below include essential information potential applicants need to know to evaluate the various award opportunities and develop a successful application and research proposal. The DF has also prepared a Quick Reference Guide to enable users to quickly acclimate to the online application system.
All Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mid-Career Award research must be conducted in the U.S. under the sponsorship of a department/division of dermatology that is ACGME-approved for training in dermatology. A project to be performed as a part of the U.S. government research program (except Veterans Administration), or to be performed at a private foundation without an academic affiliation to dermatology, is not eligible for funding. A project involving human subjects must have IRB approval at the time funding commences, i.e., July 1, and throughout the term of the award.
- Proposed project must address an issue impacting groups underrepresented or underserved in medicine
- Strong demonstrated commitment to research
- At least 75% of their time is committed to research
- Appropriate training and experience in relevant research
- Faculty appointment in an accredited dermatology department/division, within 12 years of appointment as an Assistant Professor (as of January 1, 2024)
- Demonstrates a strong commitment to research in aspects of dermatology related to psoriasis
- M.D.; M.D., Ph.D.; D.O.; or Ph.D. degree
- Research aims are unique to this award
- Cannot hold other DF support at the time of funding (CDA-Yr3 recipients may apply)
Award Amount:
$100,000 in annual support for up to three years, award funds may not be used for indirect expenses.
Up to three years, beginning July 1, 2024.
Application Instructions:
To apply for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mid-Career Award, you will need to assemble the following items:
- NIH bio-sketch
- Research proposal
- Budget
- Letter of support from the dermatology chair/chief
- Short and long layperson’s description of research project
- Black and white headshot
- Original figures – Optional
Questions regarding the application process?
Please contact the DF office at 847-328-2256 (8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. central time) or
Funding for this program is being supported by:

Donald A. Glass, II, MD, PhD, FAAD
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Genetics, Comorbidities And Their Associations With Keloids
SOCS Career Development Award
The SOCS Career Development Award, which will award up to $100,000 which can be used over a two-year period and which is non-renewable. This award should have a research focus on inflammatory dermatologic diseases in skin of color in areas where further clinical, translational, and basic research is needed. It is the expectation that the recipient(s) of these awards will be tomorrow’s leaders in dermatology, helping to shape the future of the specialty.
- Application Open!
- Application closes October 15, 2024
Application Procedure:
Recently, SOCS has introduced an online application program that streamlines the application and the review process. Below is a partial checklist of the information you will need to supply in your application.
With the exception of headshots uploaded documents must be a PDF file.
- MD, MD/PhD, DO, PhD with an established track record of academic excellence
- Faculty member with a primary appointment in US Department or Division of dermatology
- Within 12 years since completion of post-graduate training
- Applicant must have appropriate training and experience with a proven track record and a strong commitment to skin of color research, either clinical, translational, or basic science with clinical applications
- Applicant must serve as the principal investigator for the study
- Skin of Color Society Member
- Note that previous applicants are eligible to re-apply.
Award Amount:
Up to $100,000 for one year. Can be used over a two-year period by request. Non-renewable; indirect costs not allowed.
- Strong institutional support required.
- Can concurrently hold other funding.
- Not eligible to apply for other SOCS research funding.
- Please note the grant funding cannot be used for indirect departmental costs, travel expenses, overhead costs, IRB fees or to purchase capital equipment such as computers, cellular phones, tablets, appliances, machinery, camera equipment, sensors, etc.
- Direct salary support for the applicant is allowed provided 50% of the applicant’s time is dedicated to research.
- IRB must be approved or submitted, pending approval at the time of grant application and must remain approved throughout the term of the award.
Two years, beginning April 1.
Application Requirements:
- Career Development Award checklist (PDF Form)
- Award application
- Applicant NIH Biosketch (
- Chair CV/Biosketch (
- Mentor’s Formal Letter of Support
- Department Chair/Division Chief Comments of Support (MS Word)*
- Budget (MS Excel)
- Summary of Career Goals (online form)
- Research Proposal (online form)
- Headshot (300 dpi or higher professional headshot)
The Research Committee of the Skin of Color Society will assume the responsibility for reviewing grant applications, making funding recommendations, and monitoring the grants program. Summary of research results must be submitted in the Skin of Color Society newsletter as well as presented at the SOCS annual meeting two years after receipt of the grant.
About the Chair’s Comments of Support Form
This form is a critical element in your application package. The Chair’s Comments of Support form is to be completed by the chair of the department or division of dermatology at your institution and covers the following topics:
- Outline of a plan defining the department’s commitment to the applicant including a description of the training environment, the supervision that will be provided, the qualifications of the mentor for the development of the applicant’s career, and departmental commitments/resources devoted to support the applicant including salary and space allocations. Your plan must compass a 3-year period for SOCS-CDA applicants.
- Plans for future funding of the applicant
- The importance of the award and the project to the applicant and the institution.
- The department’s track record in obtaining research funding.
- Certification that the applicant will devote the time required to the proposed project.
Funding for this program is being supported by:
Jessica Shiu, MD, PhD
Elucidating Racial Differences in Vitiligo Presentation & Treatment Response
The 2024 SOCS Career Development Award was made possible thanks to the support from Bristol Myers Squibb, and Pfizer.
SOCS Dermatology Research Award
The SOCS Dermatology Research Award will provide annual research grants (each up to $20,000) to promote dermatology research within the field of skin of color. The grant is intended to assist young dermatologists in furthering their academic careers. Two of the awards will be given to those applications that focus on inflammatory dermatologic diseases in skin of color.
- Application open!
- Application closes October 15, 2024
Application Procedure:
Recently, SOCS has introduced an online application program that streamlines the application and the review process. Below is a partial checklist of the information you will need to supply in your application.
With the exception of headshots, any uploaded documents must be in a PDF format.
- Skin of Color Society Member
- MD, DO or international equivalent degree and must currently be at a U.S. accredited program/organization
- Dermatology residents, dermatology research fellows, and dermatologists who are board-certified or board eligible within the first 8 years after completing post-graduate training
- Research fellow must be doing dedicated dermatology research through an academic institution or formalized research program
- Demonstrates a strong commitment to skin of color research, either clinical, translational, or basic science with clinical applications
- Relevant research areas pertaining to skin of color. Two of the awards will be given to studies focusing on inflammatory skin conditions in skin of color.
- Appropriate training in research or mentor available for instruction in this area (letter of commitment from the mentor must accompany application)
- Preference for young dermatologists with no previous sources of funding
- Note that previous applicants are eligible to re-apply.
Award Amount:
- Up to $20,000. Non-renewable.
- Direct salary costs are not supported.
- Indirect costs not allowed.
Personal Data Related Fields:
- Disclosures for all investigators listed on the project
- Principal investigators’ name, affiliation, address, telephone, and fax numbers
- Curriculum vitae of the principal investigator
Research Related Fields:
- Title of research study
- Objective
- Rationale
- Methods
- The anticipated amount of time needed to complete the proposed work
- Significance of the proposed project
- Bibliography of the references cited in the narrative
- Appropriate reprints (if necessary) to fully document the reason for the proposal
- Completed estimated budget template which should be subdivided into categories.
Additional Information:
1. All work must begin within six months of the funding of the grant
- Only under special circumstances and with the approval of the Skin of Color Society can the work be delayed beyond this time period.
- Grant research should be completed within 18 months of initial funding.
- Additional time requirements should be detailed and submitted in writing to the Chair of the Research Committee.
2. No more than one-half of the grant can be initially sent to an investigator
- Once the research is underway and a written report (including details of all expenditures) is received by the Skin of Color Society, further funding may be allowed if the previous use of funds is deemed acceptable by the Committee.
- More initial funding can be received earlier during the research, but this funding is at the discretion of the Skin of Color Society.
3. The budget for the research protocol must be approved by the Skin of Color Society
- The Committee may accept the entire budget or portions of the budget.
- Funds issued by the SOCS for specific investigations cannot be used for other purposes.
- If the initial proposal cannot be undertaken, all funds must be returned promptly to the Skin of Color Society Secretary-Treasurer.
- Please note the grant funding cannot be used for indirect departmental costs, travel expenses, overhead costs, IRB fees or to purchase capital equipment such as computers, cellular phones, tablets, appliances, machinery, camera equipment, sensors, etc.
- Direct salary costs are not supported.
- Unused funds must be returned with a summary of why the funds were not used.
4. Reporting Requirements
- A written update detailing the progress of the research must be sent to the Chair of the Research Committee of the Skin of Color Society within 12 months of initiation of research.
- Summary of research results must be submitted in the Skin of Color Society newsletter.
- A research summary must be presented at the SOCS annual meeting two years after receipt of the grant.
5. Chair/Mentor Letter and CV
The department or division chair must supply a letter of support detailing that the principal investigator will be responsible for conducting the research. The letter should include the following:
- Discuss their track record and experience with developing mentees
- What they think the potential is for the applicant as an independent researcher in skin of color
6. Change of Address/Practice Type
- If the funded investigator transfers locations or practice type (i.e., goes from a university to private practice, or the reverse), these changes must be sent in writing to:
- The Chair of the Research Committee, and the SOCS Secretary-Treasurer.
- The Skin of Color Society will determine if funding is to be ongoing after reviewing these changes. IRB approval must be maintained for the duration of the study if human subjects are involved.
7. Publications and Presentations
- Publications and presentations related to the funded research should identify the support of the Skin of Color Society.
- A copy of any such publication should be forwarded to the Skin of Color Society Research Committee Chairman and the Secretary-Treasurer.
The Research Committee of the Skin of Color Society will assume the responsibility for reviewing grant applications, making funding recommendations, and monitoring the grants program.
Funding for this program is being supported by:
Danyelle Dawes, MD
Evaluating the microbiome in central centrifugal cicatricial alopecia
Jun Kang, MD
Single-cell Proling of NETting Neutrophils and B- cells in Refractory Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus
Oluwakemi Onajin, MD
Proling the immune microenvironment of lymphocytic scarring alopecias
SOCS Early Career Innovations Award
The Skin of Color Society Early Career Innovations Award will provide startup funding for young visionaries and innovators who have creative solutions addressing needs and opportunities within the skin of color dermatology ecosystem. Funding can be used to develop an idea or help advance or scale up an idea in progress.
Application Closed
“Shark Tank” meets Skin of Color Dermatology in this exciting new award program geared toward young visionaries with innovative ideas and creative solutions that need startup funding!
We are thrilled to announced The Skin of Color Society 2024 Early Career Innovations Award, which will provide startup funding for young visionaries and innovators who have creative solutions addressing needs and opportunities within the skin of color dermatology ecosystem.
This exciting program was established in 2022, thanks to the vision and generosity of SOCS member Dhaval Bhanusali, MD, FAAD. In the future, we hope to build this fund through matching grants from corporate and individual supporters.
Eligibility: U.S. based SOCS members who are students, residents, junior faculty and early career professionals are eligible to apply. Pending members with a complete application are also eligible.
Judging: All entries will be reviewed by a panel of SOCS leaders. Up to two finalists will be selected to present their idea in-person at the SOCS Symposium on March 7, 2024. The live presentation is a requirement for funding eligibility.
Focus areas: funding will be awarded to help with the development of new ideas and innovations to improve:
Access to healthcare
Physician training and education
Patient care
Patient education/communications
Technological approaches to service, information and communications
Community service
Other ideas relevant to patients of color
Application requirements: Project name, Project status, Project summary, Use of funds (narrative), Budget (PDF), Supporting documents (optional, PDF), Evaluation plan, Commitment to update SOCS, Personal contact information, Department Chair/Supervisor contact information
Funding can be used to develop an idea or help advance or scale up an idea in progress.
Funding for this program is being supported by:
Manju Dawkins, MD
Thimble Health: Alleviating Needle Pain and Fear
Camille Martin, PhD
Determining the Efficacy of Xanthochrome® Enriched Sunscreens Against Visible Light and Long Wavelength Ultraviolet-A1 Induced Pigmentation
Institutional Research Fellowship Grant
The IRF program provides outstanding opportunities for underrepresented minority (URM) physicians to conduct research on skin of color dermatologic conditions and train for and assume leadership roles in clinical care, public policy, health services research and biomedical research.
Application Open
Application closes October 15, 2024
The Institutional Research Fellowship (IRF) is a groundbreaking initiative that supports critical research on dermatologic diseases in skin of color and provides valuable opportunities for physicians of color, who are disproportionately underrepresented in dermatology and medicine. SOCS recognizes the dire need to address these healthcare disparities and is working to increase the number of physicians from diverse backgrounds who can provide culturally competent care to these often—underserved communities.
- Henry Ford Health System
- Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
- UMass Medical School
- Wake Forest University Health Sciences
Each institution will receive $80,000 to support a researcher who is under-represented in medicine and has interest in skin of color dermatologic research.
This is a successful program which has already distributed nearly $1.45 million dollars to support institution-based research.
SOCS Grant Writing Webinar
If you would like to make your application stand out, use the SOCS Dermatology E-Learning + Equity Platform (known as DEEP) to watch this webinar and learn more about how to put your best foot forward!